Welcome to QiHA: Qi Health Australia
In the beginning
2020 Qi Health Australia “QiHa” launched an Online Qigong platform to help those stuck in isolation. All bodies require movement, breathing and connection to others which unfortunately was dampened by the World Shutdown. Qi Health Australia, Qi pronounced “Chee” is simply our Vital Life Force Energy. Qi Health Australia has a mission to help you heal, re-energise, slow down and enjoy living. We welcome you to book your next class or workshop, whether that be online or in-person.

Qigong (also known as Qigong, Chi Kung, Chi Gong) is practiced to harmonise and strengthen the mind-body as a whole. It increases the supply and flow of energy throughout the body having a variety of rejuvenating effects. It is believed to increase longevity & wellness which is why it has been practiced in China for over 3000 years. The benefits of Qi Gong are limitless as the circulation of Qi creates uplifting energy and rids the body of stagnant and stressful energy. Qi flow enables the mind body to sense an inner calm allowing you to enjoy your best life.
Health benefits:
- Boosts the immune response
- Lessens chronic fatigue
- Reduces depression and relieves stress
- Aids digestion
- Gentle Weigh loss
- Flowing & easy fitness
- Increase circulation and lowers blood pressure
- Lessens anxiety
- Helps to regulate hormones
- Calms the mind